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Holistic Living, what it means and how to get started...

Updated: Aug 2, 2019

According to holistic[ hoh-lis-tik ] means incorporating the concept of holism, or the idea that the whole is more than merely the sum of its parts, in theory or practice.


In the fast-paced modern world, we live in, it has become a challenge to incorporate various methods of holism in our daily lives, not to mention that there are still a number of people who identifies the word holism or holistic with a certain belief, mysticism or religion. Though in reality, holistic living simply means living in a manner that creates balance in our mind, body and spirit.


The practice of holistic living usually entails choosing clean and healthy food, or products which are free from toxins or chemicals that are present in most commercially available goods, doing physical exercises, and, incorporating mental and spiritual practices to manage the stress we encounter from our daily lives.

What's on your plate?

Knowing where and how to begin can be a very daunting task, especially with the plethora of information available to us and the humongous selection of consumer goods claiming to be healthy, natural or organic. While we believe that the best way is to prepare our own food or daily essentials, we also understand that it is not often possible because of our daily responsibilities, hence, we encourage consumers to make it a habit to read the labels. It’s always a good idea to be aware of ingredients that usually goes into the products we consume and not fall into false marketing claims and fancy words used to trick consumers into thinking they are getting the good stuff. We don't necessarily recommend sticking to any particular diet, rather, we suggest that we become more conscious of our choices, and limit our consumption of goods which do not support our over-all wellbeing.

Beyond Physical and Mental Health

In the case of physical exercise and mind/spirit practices, there are various ways to incorporate such in our daily lives, depending on our circumstances and on which practice resonates with us. Be aware of what feels good for you. For some, it could be yoga or contemplative walking, while others prefer a more active practice like sports, dancing or strength training, whatever we choose, it is best to release our attachments to outcomes and just enjoy the practice or it becomes yet another chore which may cause unnecessary stress and eventually lead to “dis-ease” if desired outcome is unmet.

In addition, we strongly suggest setting aside a few minutes each day, away from destruction to reconnect with ourselves and be present. It is a good habit that will be beneficial to our overall wellness and aid in releasing tension and anxiety from our mind and body,

By choosing to live holistically, we recognize that the mind, body and spirit are not separate but rather it is part of a whole, what affects one affects the other and manifests as a whole, and therefore, must be treated and cared for as a whole. Holistic living is going back to basics, our origins!, minus the complexities of everyday modern living, however, we must understand that walking this path doesn't mean we will be miraculously healthy and happy overnight, it is a long process and a journey that is unique and personal to each of us.

Enjoy your journey and Namaste!

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